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Use Case Selector

The use case selector allows you to define a unique use case string identifier describing when a metadata should be resolved.


You can specify on which component (a specific area of the UI) a metadata should be resolved in or create your own use case string identifier.

UI Element Selector

There are several options available which affect the functionality of a particular component. You configure the Use Case Selector by entering the name of the component you wish to affect into the Use Case property.

GIMAEnter gima in the Use Case property.
SelectionEnter selection in the Use Case property.
ThumbnailEnter thumbnail in the Use Case property.
Assembly PanelEnter assembly in the Use Case property.
Property PanelEnter property in the Use Case property.
Quick AccessEnter quickAccess in the Use Case property.
Automatic QueriesEnter automaticQueries in the Use Case property.
Global ActionsEnter globalActions in the Use Case property.
Metadata EditorEnter metadataEditor in the Use Case property.
Select Result PanelEnter selectResultPanel in the Use Case property.
Service Request PanelEnter serviceRequestPanel in the Use Case property.

Custom Use Case

You simply provide a string identifier of your use case. Use case selector comes in handy during garbage collection.

For more information, see Using the Garbage Collector.

Custom Use Case Triggered via URL

You can use the custom use case selector to trigger the resolving of any metadata attached to Control Center or Explorer elements using the URL. You do not have use to predefined use cases, but you can create your own and trigger it by passing the use case ID as a parameter: http://localhost:8080/tribefire-control-center/?useCase=useCaseID

Consider the following example: you set the Hidden metadata on the Connections entry point in Control Center and assign the use case selector to it.

For more information, see Visible and Hidden.

You specify the use case ID to be, for example, hideElement, and commit your changes.

  • If you open Control Center using the http://localhost:8080/tribefire-control-center/ URL, nothing changes.
  • However, if you open Control Center using the http://localhost:8080/tribefire-control-center/?useCase=hideElement URL, the use case selector with the hideElement ID is triggered, and, as it was assigned to the Hidden metadata on the Connections entry point, the said entry point is no longer visible.