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Show as List

This metadata property allows you to configure how maps should be handled, either as a traditional map or as a list.

Metadata Property NameType Signature


When the Show As List metadata is assigned to a map property, then the property is displayed as a list, rather than as a map. It is important that your map adhere to the following structure:

map<Integer, Some other object>

The key of the map must be of the type integer; the value can be any valid object accepted by tribefire, either a simple type (String, Date, and so on) or a complex type. It is even possible for the value to be a collection itself.

Secondly, because the metadata uses the keys as an index when constructing the list, the keys in the map must follow the order 0,1,2,3... Otherwise, the metadata is not able to function correctly.


If you assign the Show As List metadata to a map property, the property is displayed like a list.