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Debugging Tribefire Projects

This page explains how to set up and run your Tomcat-based Tribefire application from Eclipse.


Important: on Windows, all checked-out artifacts, ant, Eclipse, and jinni should be kept in a single folder. This folder should be added to the exception list in Windows Virus & threat protection settings. Otherwise, Windows will scan all downloaded files one-by-one, causing performance problems.

Setting up a Debug Tomcat Project

  1. In a directory of your choice, run the standard jinni setup-local-tomcat-platform command with --debugProject flag followed by groupId:projectName. Example for Tribefire Demo Setup (previously Demo Cartridge) would look as follows:

    > jinni setup-local-tomcat-platform --installationPath tribefire --setupDependency tribefire.extension.demo:demo-se
    tup#2.0 --deletePackageBaseDir true --debugProject tribefire.extension.demo:my-demo-project

    Replace the values of --installationPath, --setupDependency, and --debugProject accordingly.

  2. Open Eclipse. Select File -> Import. Import view opens.

  3. Select General -> Existing Projects into Workspace, then Next.

  4. Click Select Root Directory and provide the installation directory of your project, which should appear in Projects view below. Select it and click Finish. Your project is imported into your Eclipse workspace.

  5. Synchronize your project dependencies with the global repository:

    This option is not available without the DevRock suite.

    This action creates the .#webclasspath_ac file (turn off the .resources filter and refresh your project to see it in Eclipse). You won't be able to start the server without this file.

  6. Go to Window -> Preferences -> Tomcat and make sure that Tomcat home is set correctly. It should point to project_installation_directory/tribefire/runtime/host.

  7. Start Tomcat. When Tomcat is started, you should now be able to access Tribefire from the address set in the TRIBEFIRE_LOCAL_BASE_URL runtime property (localhost:8080 is the default value). Happy debugging!