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Traversing Criteria in Detail

Even though traversing criteria are most commonly used when controlling the eager loading of data returned by a query, it is a more general concept which can be used in different situations.

This document describes traversing and traversing criteria in general and from scratch, with some querying-specific (and other) remarks later on.

Traversing and TraversingCriteria

Traversing in our context informally means visiting (and checking/processing) an entity (or a collection of entities) and it's/their properties. If the property is again an entity, or a collection of them, we continue the traversing recursively.

Speaking more formally, traversing is a graph traversal of a directed graph whose nodes are GM values (entity, enum, simple or a collection of those) and node n1 is connected by an edge to n2 if n1 is an entity and n2 is a value of some of it's properties, or n1 is a collection and n2 is one of it's elements.

TraversingCriteria is a parameter given to the traversing algorithm which controls whether or not the traversing process should pass a certain edge. For example, it can describe that a collection property should not be traversed.

TraversingCriteria is actually an instance of some TraversingCriterion sub-type (so from type perspective a singular form of the word would seem more fitting), but we call it TraversingCriteria when we use it as a parameter that controls the traversing.

Implementation Notes

Traversing implementation is part of the very core of GM, in fact it is implemented directly on the various GenericModelTypes. The traversing process can be influenced from the outside by a parameter called TraversingContext. This object controls for example whether we pass a given edge, but also listens on the various visit events. TraversingCriteria is just one part of the standard implementation of the TraversingContext - the one that influences which edges to pass. In many cases (like querying) it is the most prominent part, because it's the only traversing parameter exposed to the user.

One important aspect of the standard implementation (when it comes to core, also the only implementation) of this TraversingContext is the fact that it never allows for the same node to be visited multiple times. This has one significant side effect, which is discussed at the end of this document.

There is also a second, more simple method for traversing which takes a Matcher as a parameter, rather than TraversingContext. But the same applies here - the standard implementation is based on TraversingCriteria.

TraversingCriterion Stack

Before we look at concrete TraversingCriteria, it is helpful to understand how they are applied. As the traversing happens, the algorithm is maintaining an information about the path it passed from the "root" node to a currently visited node. This information is a list of TraversionCriterion instances which describes the passed nodes and edges, although the individual items do not always directly correspond to the nodes and edges of the graph described above (see map-related TraversingCriteria, for example). We call this list the Traversing Stack.

The following table shows all the possible types of a TraversingCriterion which can be used in such a stack. We call these BasicCriteria and every single one of them carries also a typeSignature information, which is taken by the algorithm from the corresponding GenericModelType instance.

BasicCriterion typeDescriptionNote
rootmarks the beginning of the TC listroot is always the first element on the stack
entitydenotes an entity-
propertydenotes a property; is always preceded by an entity criterion; It is also the only criterion which carries an extra value - the name of the propertytypeSignature is that of the property, not the actual value, with ONE EXCEPTION - the id property, where we take the signature of the value's type.
listElementmeans the previous element is a list and the following one is it's elementtypeSignature is taken from the list element type, so it might be a super-type of the actual element's type
setElementsee listElement-
mapdenotes a map-
mapEntrymeans the previous element is a map and the following is either map-key or map-valuetypeSignature is taken from the corresponding map
mapKeymeans the previous element is a map-entry and the following is the value of this entry's keysee listElement remark regarding typeSignature
mapValuesee mapKeysee listElement remark regarding typeSignature

For easier reference we now also present the remaining TraversingCriteria, which are explained later. If you are reading this for the first time, read the next section (about their application) first.

Criterion typeDescriptionNote
joker*matches every BasicCriterion-on the stack
propertyType*matches a PropertyCriterion if the specified type matchesDeprecated in favor of TypeConditionCriterion
typeCondition*matches a BasicCriterion if the specified type matches-
valueContition*matches a BasicCriterion if the resolved value matches given valueresolved value means we take the value corresponding to the BasicCriterion and resolve the property path specified via the ValueConditionCriterion
conjunctionmatches if all nested criteria match the current stacksee examples
disjunctionanalogous to conjunction-
negationmatches if the nested criteria doesn't match-
patternmatches multiple elements of the stack in ordersee details below
recursionmatches if the nested criterion can be matched as a pattern a number of times, and this number is within the bounds specifiedRecursionCriterion comes with a nested criterion and two numbers - minRecursion and maxRecursion

* This is an ElementStackCriterion, which means when being evaluated, it is compared with exactly one element in the Traversing Stack. The others can potentially be compared to multiple elements of the stack.

TraversingCriteria Application

Now that we understand the TC stack, it should be quite simple to explain what TraversingCriteria is. It is just an expression that either does or does not match a given TC stack.

We might also add right away that when the criteria matches a given stack, the traversing stops and we take some other action instead. For example for querying this means we do cut the query result at that point, i.e. we do not include the data behind that edge.


So far we have only discussed the BasicCriteria, which correspond to a concrete position in the traversed graph, but there are other criteria which allow us to combine these basic ones into more complex expressions.

From modeling perspective BasicCriterion is a sub type of TraversingCriterion, but there are other types which are used for matching. (This is very similar to regular expressions, where a text consists of say letters and number, and the matching pattern consists of them plus special expressions with various semantics). In fact, the whole TC expression is expressed as instance of this TraversingCriterion type.

Building TraversingCriteria with Java API

The java API for building TCs is called CriterionBuilder and is accessible in static way like this:

TraversingCriterion someCriterion = TC.create()
      // your criteria

We will not go into details about all the methods of this builder, as it is very intuitive once you are familiar with the TC model. See for yourself, as all the examples that follow for TC will use this builder.

Let's now have a look at the TC other than basic. We'll also skip the logical ones (conjunction, disjunction, negation) as they are self explanatory.


This is a TC that matches everything. The most common usage is in the form:

final TraversingCriterion matchNothingTc = TC.create()

If it was just the joker, it would match everything and thus nothing would be traversed. Adding a negation in front of that inverts the logic, thus this TC never matches, which leads to a full traversal of the graph.


Pattern makes it possible to match multiple elements on the TC stack. So far we have only seen criteria which are compared to the element on the top of the stack - i.e. the currently visited node. But if we want to also consider the previous nodes on the traversing path, Pattern is the way to go. It consists of a list of TCs, where the last one is matched against the last element on the stack, the second to last is matched against the second to last element on the stack and so on.

For example, if we wanted to match the property value of the type BigValueHolder, but only that type, we'd say:

final TraversingCriterion matchBigValueTc = TC.create()


As mentioned above, root is the marker for the beginning of traversing, thus it is always the first element in the TC stack and does not show up anywhere else. This means if you want to use it in your TraversingCriteria, it needs to be the first element of a Pattern for it to make sense.

For example, imagine we are traversing a Folder (a single one) and want to traverse all it's subFolders, but nothing deeper. The corresponding TC could be:

final TraversingCriterion matchSubFoldersOneLevelDeepTc = TC.create()

The example above could be simplified if we knew that subFolders is not a property of anything else other than a Folder in our assembly. The simplified TC would be:

final TraversingCriterion matchSubFoldersOneLevelDeepTc = TC.create()


Recusion is not commonly used, but it's here, so let's talk about it. It comes with three parameters - min, max and a nested TC. When determining whether it matches given stack, it tests how many times the nested TC can be matched against the stack, and if this number is between min and max (both included), the recursion matches.

Matching Types

For matching node types, we use another expression API called TypeCondition.

For example TC that matches entities and collections would look like this:

final TraversingCriterion entityOrCollectionTc = TC.create()

Advanced Traversing Aspects

Matching Inside the Traversing Algorithm - Not Everything is Being Checked

As we have said in the beginning, the traversing algorithm is building a TC stack reflecting the passed nodes and edges, and this is then matched against the TC expression given to the algorithm. However, of the 9 possible BasicCriteria only for 4 of them the matching check is being made. This is because in the other situations it doesn't make sense to do the check.

The following table shows which BasicCriteria are not checked, with explanation why that is the case

rootat this point, no information from the traversed assembly would be considered; doing the check here would be an expensive check on whether we even want to traverse at all, which is not needed
entitythis would be obsolete - if we don't want to traverse an entity, we can decide so on the predecessor of the entity node, e.g. property or listElement.
mapThis is a weird TC to begin with, as there is no list or set. Generally speaking, if we want to skip the entire collection, we should do the match on the predecessor of the collection node, and if we want to skip collection elements, we can match on mapEntry, listElement and setElement.
mapKeyWe cannot skip just the key, but we can skip mapEntry.
mapValueWe cannot skip just the value, but we can skip mapEntry.

Query Troubleshooting - Only Properties are Being Checked

We just said that only 4 of the BasicCriteria are checked against the given TC, but in case of queries we actually only check one, namely property. This means you can decide which properties are loaded when doing a query, but if that property is a collection, you can either load all of it's elements or none. It is not possible to apply TC on the collection elements and thus load only a sub-set of the contained values.

This mean one has to be careful when building the TC attached to a query. Only a TC that can be matched against a property makes sense.

As a real-life example, imagine you are querying for a model, and you want to omit meta-data. One might think that using this TC would work, but this TC doesn't match anything in the context of query evaluation:

final TraversingCriterion matchMetaDataTc = TC.create()

For completion, since all the metadata on the various model elements are of type Set<MetaData>, the relevant meta data properties could be matched with:

final TraversingCriterion matchMetaDataTc = TC.create()

Entities are Not Revisited

As mentioned in a side node at the beginning of this document, standard implementation of the TraversingContext never allows for the same node to be visited multiple times. This may lead to somewhat surprising results when the same entity is show up at different depths in the returned assembly.

As an example, let's get back to the Folders, where each Folder has a property called children.

Let's have this simple data set:


and make the following query:

select f from Folder f

with the TC from the root path above that says we want to load the subFolders on top level, but not on a deeper level:

final TraversingCriterion matchSubFoldersOneLevelDeepTc = TC.create()

When executing the query, we first obtain a list of all the Folders, and then we apply the traversing criteria. If we however think about the data, it is not clear at all what should be returned back. We say we want the top-level Folders to have their subFolders loaded, but not anything deeper. However, since we are doing a query for all the Folders, every Folder from our result's perspective is a top level query, and what will be loaded and what absent depends purely on the order of the Folders in our list.

Imagine the list we traverse would look like this:

[Folder("parent"), Folder("child"), Folder("grandChild")]

Since the traversing algorithm uses a depth-first order, it starts by visiting the parent, followed by visiting child along the subFolders property edge. There it examines all the properties of the child Folder, and when it gets to subFolders, the stack looks like this:

entity("Folder") // value is Folder("parent")
entity("Folder") // value is Folder("child")

This stack matches our TC, thus the children property is marked not to be loaded.

Then the traversing continues back to the parent node, cannot continue with it's sibling child, because that was already visited, and ends the traversing with visiting grandChild. This means that our top-level entity child doesn't have it's property subFolders set.

This would not happen, if the order of the initial data was for example:

[Folder("grandChild"), Folder("child"), Folder("parent")]


Depth Parameter in REST

The depth parameter (if you are not familiar), is an integer which specifies how many levels deep the returned result should be loaded.

// First let's define a TC for only loading the simple and enum properties
final TraversingCriterion shallowTc = TC.create()

final TraversingCriterion tcForGivenDepth = TC.create()
    .pattern() // pattern 1
        .recursion(depth, depth)
            .pattern() // pattern 2
                .disjunction() // disjunction 1
                    .pattern() // pattern 3
                        .disjunction() // disjunction 2
                        .close() // disjunction 2
                    .close() // pattern 3
                .close() // disjunction 1
            .close() // pattern 2
    .close() // pattern 1

Other Examples

In these examples, we are going to query the auth access to get information about the cortex user. We assume you have a local tribefire installation running at port 8080.

For information on how to set up your development environment so that you have all the necessary dependencies, see Setting Up IDE for Cartridge Development.

To start querying, we must first create a valid session. Let's use a helper method for that:

public static PersistenceGmSession getSession(String accessId) throws GmSessionException, GmSessionFactoryBuilderException {
    PersistenceGmSessionFactory sessionFactory = GmSessionFactories.remote("http://localhost:8080/tribefire-services")
		.authentication("cortex", "cortex").done();
	PersistenceGmSession session = sessionFactory.newSession(accessId);
	return session;

With that helper method in place, we can now establish a session to the auth access:

PersistenceGmSession session = getSession("auth");

As traversing criteria don't query on their own but influence a query object, let's create a query:

SelectQuery query = new SelectQueryBuilder()
				.from(User.T, "u")

User user = session.query().select(query).first();


The query above returns an instance of the type User where the value of the name property is equal to cortex. Running the query without any traversing criteria and printing out what's returned results in the following:

  description = null
  email = null
  firstName = 'C.'
  globalId = '85b67e99-e4db-4052-9621-55c81ad3458f'
  groups = ?
  id = 'e835fc5f-094e-43cb-88b3-8390d0ff35ae'
  lastLogin = null
  lastName = 'Cortex'
  name = 'cortex'
  partition = 'auth'
  password = '*****'
  picture = ?
  roles = ?

Let's use the traversing criteria now to return absent information for everything but the value of the partition parameter:

TraversingCriterion traversingCriterion = TC.create()

user = session.query().select(query).first();


Running the query above results in the following:

  description = null
  email = null
  firstName = null
  globalId = null
  groups = [empty set]
  id = null
  lastLogin = null
  lastName = null
  name = null
  partition = 'auth'
  password = null
  picture = null
  roles = [empty set]

Let's say we want to see what roles the cortex user has. In the first call, only the ? was returned. You could always use the [...] .negation().joker().done(); traversing criterion, but that returns everything. To return the roles property, use the following:

TraversingCriterion traversingCriterion2 = TC.create()

In the traversing criterion above we first specify that we want to return all information for the Role entity. Next, we specify that we want to return the property roles from the User entity.

You might wonder why we're using a disjunction instead of a conjunction here. The reason is because of the negation. The negation of A or B is the statement Not A and not B and that is exactly what we want to achieve. We want to return the entire Role entity and the value of the roles property.

This traversing criterion returns:

  description = null
  email = null
  firstName = null
  globalId = null
  groups = [empty set]
  id = null
  lastLogin = null
  lastName = null
  name = null
  partition = null
  password = null
  picture = null
  roles = 1 element:
    element: Role[
      description = LocalizedString[
        globalId = null
        id = null
        localizedValues = [empty map]
        partition = null
      globalId = '576f3b33-0364-4127-9478-e6f21fdc9ff6'
      id = 'd14c4b72-c343-4d16-b049-2261215d75ec'
      localizedName = LocalizedString[
        globalId = null
        id = null
        localizedValues = [empty map]
        partition = null
      name = 'tf-admin'
      partition = 'auth'