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Tribefire module development

Tips and tutorials on various aspects of module development.

IDE setup

Running Tribefire Application from Eclipse - how to set up and your Application as a Tomcat-based project and run it from Eclipse.


Developing Tribefire modules - Basics describes how to write a Tribefire module. It explains how to bind custom code and configuration data to our application and how to define module's own extension points.

Static resources (Files) - how to attach files with your module, how to make them public, and how to access them via code and, if public, via URL.

Controlling Module Classpath - when and how to control which module dependencies can be "promoted" to the main classpath (as an optimization) via configuring private and forbidden dependencies.

WebPlatform specific

Creating transient Resources How to create a Resource instance. Typically relevant when evaluating a ServiceRequest that evaluates to a Resource.

Configuring DCSA How to configure a DCSA, i.e. how to ensure the collaborative accesses are deployed as distributed ones (relevant for clustered environment when only a local file system persistence is not enough).